After much soul searching Penrite Honda rider Ford Dale has decided to step away from racing to concentrate on his young family.

The father of two young boys under the age of three was running 10th in the MX Nationals MX1 class but admits he has been struggling to find the form that both he and the team were expecting.

“The pressure on me mentally and physically to perform each week whilst providing for a young a family has taken its toll and I don’t feel I can do either job at 100%,” Dale said.

“I am training hard and the team has given me everything I need, however I am just not coping with the pressure of performing where I need to be, and that is making it even harder.

2015 marked the return of Ford Dale to the Penrite Honda Team and Team Principal Yarrive Konsky acknowledges the difficulties Ford has had to face.

“We all know Ford has the talent,” Konsky said. “Winning an Australian Championship over a season isn’t a fluke.  The injuries he has sustained throughout his career are difficult to continue to come back from, coupled with having a young family would make it even harder cialis 20mg generika.

“As hard as it was to accept, I need to accept it and move forward.  Ford needs to be happy and he needs to put his family first.  His results weren’t allowing him to do that and as the season was getting on it was effecting him more and more.  To perform at the highest level you need to be in it 100%, happy, fit and focused.

Acknowledging his appreciation for the opportunity Konsky and the Penrite Honda team have given him Dale said he never envisaged stepping aside mid-season.

“This decision to step away has nothing to do with the team,” Dale continued. “It is easy for people to assume that.

“The Penrite Honda Team went above and beyond, in fact I would say the team is the best it’s been and our results aren’t doing it justice.  I really need to thank them and the team sponsors, if it wasn’t for them I wouldn’t have been able to train at Carmichaels or even race.

“The phone didn’t ring at the end of last year,  I didn’t finish the season in 2012 and since then have not finished a full year. I still believed I could race at the front and I called Yarrive and told him that, he took a chance and for that I am thankful.  I certainly didn’t start this season thinking I would be stepping away in the middle of the championship,” Dale added.

Although Dale won’t be racing the remainder of the year he isn’t walking away from the sport altogether.

“I am not thinking about racing at the moment, my family needs my attention and I need to find a foundation I can build on,” Dale continued.  “I will still be at the track, I will be working on R4D (Racing 4 Disabled) and I will work closely with Yarrive on some other projects.

“I cannot thank him and the team enough for having my back and giving me every opportunity. I am grateful to the team’s sponsors as well as everyone on the team, Blair, Steve, George, Wayne and Cameron. I also want to thank my mechanic Daniel for his continued support and effort, he has always been there.”

The Penrite Honda Team will confirm Ben Townley’s return to the official team in coming weeks, however they will not replace Dale for Shepparton. The team is also working on finalising its supercross lineup.

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